Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I did it!

Myspace Code Generator

Thing 23

I finally made it! Before I reflect on the whole process, I have to address one of my earlier posts. I never included a post about the 7 1/2 things. I guess the hardest for me is to see problems as challenges. I am getting better at this, but I have a tendency to panic if I think I've messed something up. The easiest is to play. I've learned a lot of things on the computer just by playing.

I want to thank the blogteam for making this program possible. I've learned so much from this process. I have been meaning to explore 2.0 ever since I attended the last YA Youth Services Symposium, but sometimes your lifelong learning goals get pushed aside or delayed because there is always something else to do. This program helped me to get past that. I also have the blogteam to thank for my new addiction to Brotherhood 2.0.

I enjoyed most of the exercises. My favorites include: podcasts, RSS feeds, YouTube, and the web-based applications. My least favorite would be Rollyo.

The format works well. It allows everyone to work when they have time but also includes a deadline so that it is harder to just push it aside.

You have another discovery program? Sign me up!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thing 22

I've had a Net Library account since 2003. What I really like about Net Library is the ability to search the text and mark it. The English major in me rejoiced. I really could have used this when I wrote my senior seminar paper on the role of family in the novels of Jane Austen. I used quite a few of those sticky pointer things made by the wonderful Post-its people of 3M.

I'm very excited about downloading books to my MP3 player! I've joked that my car will not operate without a book in the CD player. Now perhaps I will use my MP3 player when I walk. Something I've always needed to do and that was made oh so very clear to me in black and white at the recent health fair.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thing 21

This is so cool. I first heard about Podcasts at the last YA Youth Services Symposium. One of the speakers talked about all of this 2.0 stuff the entire second day. I wasn't bored once. I am so glad to be looking at this now.

I looked at all of the podcast directories. I was able to find and add two podcasts to my bloglines account. The first is MuggleCast brought to you by the fine people of MuggleNet, one of the best Harry Potter fan sites on the Web. I will enjoy this one immensely. The other podcast is YA BookCast which is for all fans of YA Lit. One for fun and one for work. What more can you ask for?

Thing 20

I've already posted 2 YouTube videos in my blog. I couldn't resist adding another for this assignment, so I chose a tribute to Discworld that was posted on YouTube by Discworldrockstar. If you enjoy satire and have not read a Discworld book by Terry Pratchett, you are truly missing a delightful reading experience. I highly recommend the books that feature the witches. Start with Wyrd Sisters. Granny Weatherwax rocks! His Tiffany Aching series for young adults is also not to be missed. If you don't believe me, consult Cohen the Librarian. He is a most knowledgeable scholar of all things Disc.

YouTube is a very entertaining resource. You can find just about anything on video. I give it an A+ in entertainment value. Once you have an account, posting videos is quite easy. Posting videos of library events may generate interest in other library offerings. You could also use a video (with credit given to the originator)to use with reading assistance as I did with the Discworld books.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thing 19

I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was already familiar with some of the Web 2.0 award winners. I have accounts with Ning and Pandora and I am very familiar with YouTube. I really like YouTube.

I decided to look at Google Maps for this assignment. Google Maps is very easy to use. I really like how you can zoom in with just a click. Once you're there you can search by business type. This would be useful for those who travel. "Ok, I'm here in Pokipsy now where can I get a Pizza?" Then of course there are the ever helpful driving directions, which in my particular experience have been correct most of the time. The my maps function is neat. You can personalize and annotate your own maps and then share them. This can be very helpful for event planning.

As far as using it in a library setting, it is another useful reference tool for those who come in that are completely lost.

Thing 18

This is my post for Zoho Writer. I published it in this blog from the web. Easy! Zoho writer is totally cool.  I don't have Word on my laptop at home and always have to go to our other computer to do wordprocessing.  I've been thinking about breaking down and buying Word. This is a much cheaper fix for that problem!

Beyond how this will make my life easier, Zoho is great for all those students who come to the library to type a paper for school and forget to bring a disk.  None needed here!

As I've said in earlier posts, libraries are all about collaboration.  This is the perfect tool for multiple people working on the same project which extends way beyond the library setting to business and education!  Awesome!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thing 17

Sandbox Wiki
I created an account for myself and added my blog. It was totally painless and truly as easy as making a peanut butter sandwich. I'm warming up to this wiki thing. After all, it is so nice to share!

Thing 16

Wikis, wikis everywhere... Being the total control freak that I am, wikis are a bit scary to me. This whole "anybody can edit and remove" idea gives me the willies. Having said this I can now also say that they are dead useful in collaboration. Librarians have always been very efficient in collaboration. We share like nobody's business. I really enjoyed the best practices wiki and the book lovers wiki, a sort of cyber meeting of the minds if you will. The potential for amassing knowledge is staggering. Now if I can just get my brain wrapped around the control issues...

Thing 15

Wow, I need to get a move on. Time is running out. I read the articles for this assignment. I found my self nodding my head while reading Michael Stephens article. Librarians 2.0 plan for their users, embrace Web 2.0 tools and make good, yet fast decisions. We need to work on these three, particulary the good yet fast decisions. New ideas need to be well thought out and planned, but need to be acted upon before they are no longer new. I also agree that "Techno-worship" should be avoided. If something doesn't work for us, we shouldn't launch into it or continue on in it just because it is the "cool" thing to do.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Deadline Trailer

Chris Crutcher is coming to YPL October 15th!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thing 14 Technorati

Wow, I never realized how many people are blogging. Technorati enables you to access a wealth of information shared by helpful people just like yourself. My search for "learning 2.0" revealed almost 200 blogs dedicated to that subject alone and the number of blog posts was 3,685! I have claimed my blog and I am working on a watchlist. My only concern is finding too much information! How will I read it all? :~)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Thing 13 Del.icio.us

This is an excellent tool for anyone who has a computer at home and a dedicated computer at work. Finding bookmarks at home or abroad so to speak can be quite handy. I would think this would be very helpful for those doing research for a project. Having your bookmarks all in one place at a click could save alot of trees. Nice.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Thing 12 Rollyo

Well, I rolled my own search engine. I can see where this would be helpful. It is kind of a narrow things down type of tool. Search, but only search here. So what did I choose? YA Literature of course!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Thing 11 Library Thing

How cool is this?? Readers rejoice and do the happy dance of your choice! My very own personal reader's assistant. Check out my library. I've been stuck on paranormal stuff lately. Hmmmm...

Thing 10

Image generators are fun! I couldn't believe the sheer number of them available or the possibilities of sharing them in one way or another. I created a road sign and a fun cartoon image.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thing 10 my road sign

Thing 9

I played around with the search tools for feeds. Technorati was hands down my favorite. I went looking for blogs about/for Young Adult Literature or Teen Librarians. There are just scads of talented librarians out there doing their best to serve that ever challenging patron group. I must say - it is never boring!

Friday, July 27, 2007

July 18: Accio Deathly Hallows (no spoilers)

You must hear this song by Hank Green, brother of YA author John Green. Performed on Wednesday, July 18th, he describes his need for the new Harry Potter book. My favorite line - "I need Harry Potter like a grindylow needs water" - sing it Hank!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

#8 Bloglines account

Ok, I created a Bloglines account. It was really easy. I think the hardest part would be waiting for the validation email, which seemed to take forever. The Bloglines tutorial was really well done and easy to follow.

I don't watch that much television and rarely get to see the news, so I'm always checking news sources online. Bloglines will be my new best friend. One sign in to see them all. Hmmm.. sounded a little Tolkienesque there. I'll be watching for that little orange RSS symbol all the time now.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

#7 Elluminate Web Conferencing

My children are homeschoolers. They "attend" a charter school online. This is not to say that they don't have books, but many of their tests and some of their lessons are taken on computer. Their lessons are planned out and they sign in to see what they are to accomplish each day. Elluminate is a technology where students can "enter a room" with their teacher and other students of their grade level to have a class online. The teacher moderates and teaches the lesson often with Power Point and the students can "raise their hand" and ask questions, answer questions, etc. They can communicate through a chat like function similar to what the librarians do in IS with Know it Now or they can speak through a microphone and the entire class can hear them. It is quite fascinating with applications for business as well as education.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

#6 Spell with Flickr

Spell with Flickr is a tool to create text with images from Flickr. I played around with it and created a new page element for my blog title. Took me a bit to figure out how to get it onto the page, but patience will out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So far so good

Ok, I've started and I must admit it hasn't been too painful as yet. I enjoyed the section on life long learning. I think most librarians are life long learners. We are exposed to so many new and interesting ideas everyday that it is hard not to be.

Creating the blog couldn't have been easier. The hardest part was deciding what to put on it!

Flickr is really neat. I found it fairly easy to navigate. There were a couple of bumps in the road when I realized I didn't title the upload correctly, but a quick call to the ever helpful Mrs. Berger and I was back on track once again. Thank you Louisa!

Logan Gabriel Walker

Logan Gabriel Walker
Originally uploaded by Beach Blog
Let me introduce you to Logan Gabriel Walker. He is my beautiful new grandson. He was born on June 19th. I took this picture the very next day.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Look Ma, I have a Blog!

I'm just so darn proud! I'm movin' on down that techie highway!