Saturday, July 14, 2007

#7 Elluminate Web Conferencing

My children are homeschoolers. They "attend" a charter school online. This is not to say that they don't have books, but many of their tests and some of their lessons are taken on computer. Their lessons are planned out and they sign in to see what they are to accomplish each day. Elluminate is a technology where students can "enter a room" with their teacher and other students of their grade level to have a class online. The teacher moderates and teaches the lesson often with Power Point and the students can "raise their hand" and ask questions, answer questions, etc. They can communicate through a chat like function similar to what the librarians do in IS with Know it Now or they can speak through a microphone and the entire class can hear them. It is quite fascinating with applications for business as well as education.


bergermom said...

I never heard of this term until now, this is what is so cool about this process - there is always something new to learn about!

Beach House said...

Cool huh? The school uses it all the time. We've had parent-teacher conferences this way and they use it for training and parent to parent chat sessions.